Sample Sources
The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
Brothers!The slaughter and plunder in Kishinev, the likes of which have not descended upon us since the days of Chmielnicki and Gonta—command us to open our eyes and see our status in this country as…
Purim Eve, a One-Act Comedy
Cast [in this passage]Abraham Levi: Rich merchantAneta: Abraham Levi’s wifeMax, Yosef, and Aron: Abraham and Aneta Levi’s sonsFrida and Klerchen: Abraham and Aneta Levi’s daughtersShmuel Natan: Zionis…

Sarah Bernhardt as Cleopatra
Postcards, such as this image of the actress as Cleopatra, advertised Sarah Bernhardt’s celebrated performances for global audiences. Born Henriette-Rosine Bernard to a Jewish courtesan of Dutch…

Tsvi Nishri and Maccabi Tel Aviv
Founded in 1906 as Rishon Lezion Yafo, the sports association changed its name to Maccabi Tel Aviv in 1910. Maccabi, the first Jewish sports association, was established in Istanbul in 1895 primarily…

Irving Music Hall
This bilingual Yiddish-English cover of a program for a variety show at Irving Music Hall on New York City’s Lower East Side advertises “high class Jewish vaudeville” and bills itself as “the finest…

Subscription Notice
Der fraynd (The Friend) was the first Yiddish daily in the Russian Empire. Founded by Shaul Ginzburg in St. Petersburg in 1903, Der fraynd was for several years the only Yiddish daily permitted in the…
Book of Cooking and Home Economics for Jewish Housewives
It is a not a simple cookbook that I am presenting herewith to my sisters in faith, although most room is given to the “kitchen.” This book of Cooking and Home Economics [Koch- und…
Gloss on What Is Forbidden on Shabbat
16. It is forbidden to read on Shabbos proverbs or parables of a secular character, erotic literature such as the book [by] Emanuel and likewise books about…
A Practice Letter on a Jar from Kuntillet Ajrud
Message of Amaryaw: “Say to my lord, are you well? I have blessed you by YHWH of Teman and His asherah. May He bless you and may He keep you, and may He be with my lord [forever(?)].”)
The Negation of the Diaspora
“A negative attitude toward the diaspora” is an expression frequently heard in discussions between the Zionists, who look beyond the diaspora for a solution to our national problem, and the…
A Jewish University
The purpose of the Jewish University is to offer Jewish youth the opportunity to obtain an education:A. In the general higher disciplines with special consideration given to the Wissenschaft des…
The Sexual Life
Love is a net that nature spreads out in order to multiply humankind. (Love also exists among animals.) Only complete love is true love. True love does not have any higher or lower…