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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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Photograph of room with rows of pews, curtains on right-hand wall, and columned archway on back wall.
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Scuola Levantina, Venice

The Scuola Levantina (Levantine Synagogue), a Sephardic synagogue built in 1541, was restored in the late seventeenth century. The bimah is thought to have been carved by Andrea Brustolon, famed for…
Manuscript page with Hebrew text, with some words set apart in rectangular frames, surrounded by border of branches, flowers, and birds, and small illustration of boy and animal with tail in bottom margin.
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Maḥzor for the Rite of Carpentras

This maḥzor (holiday prayer book) contains the festival prayers for the whole year, according to the rite of Carpentras, and was copied in Provence. The Jews of the former papal territory of Comtat…

To Kill a Foe

To kill a foe: write these twelve names on deerskin or calfskin parchment on Monday evening at the third or fourth hour, or at those times at night. And this is what you shall write:He who gives forth…

Sifte kohen (Lips of the Priest)

That which God puts in my mouth I shall express (Numbers 22:38) in succinct and easy language, so that it will be simple for the discerning to grasp. And my purpose is to inform everyone to whom this…