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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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Statement of Mourning

Do you deem me to be hard and evil-hearted in that I should hasten to do a match during my period of mourning? Am I to forget the love of the wife of my youth, my pure dove, whom God graciously gave…

Imprisonment of Jewish Leaders

[To my brother PN, your brother Islah. It is well for me here]. May the gods seek after your welfare at all times. And now, . . . PN son of PN went to Syene and did/made . . . . Behold, these are the…

Reenslaving Manumitted Slaves

The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord after King Zedekiah had made a covenant with all the people in Jerusalem to proclaim a release among them— that everyone should set free his Hebrew…

God Speaks to Cyrus

Thus said the Lord to Cyrus, His anointed one— Whose right hand He has grasped, Treading down nations before him, [ . . . ]. I am the Lord and there is none else; Beside Me, there is no god. I…

Buying a Calf

One calf, two years old, white, the top of its humpback is cleft (?). Haraa, daughter of Talimmu, sold to Neriyama, son of Ahiyakam, for 23 shekels of white silver, 1/8 per shekel impure, of average…

Ezra Reads the Teaching to the People

When the seventh month arrived—the Israelites being [settled] in their towns—the entire people assembled as one man in the square before the Water Gate, and they asked Ezra the scribe to bring the…

Letters to Conrad Habicht

Bern, Thursday [18 or 25 May 1905]Dear Habicht,Such a solemn air of silence has descended between us that I almost feel as if I am committing a sacrilege when I break it now with some inconsequential…

Among Our Distant Brethren

(Continued from issue 76 [of Ha-Tsefira])The commandment of hospitality is well-developed in our city, and particularly in the mellah. But emissaries from the kollelim in the “Four Lands” stay with…