Marilyn Hirsh was born in Chicago, attended Carnegie Mellon University and served in the Peace Corps. Hirsh was a children’s author and the illustrator of more than thirty books addressing Jewish and Indian culture. A specialist in Indian and Buddhist art, she taught at the Cooper Union and the New York University Institute of Fine Arts and received the Sydney Taylor Body of Work Award in 1979.
Born in Romania, Devis Grebu is an artist whose illustrations have spanned many genres, including children's books, postage stamps, commercial ads, playing cards, fashion, animation, and theater sets. Previously a resident of United States, Israel, and France, he has lived in Romania since 2001.
This is an example of the sort of necklaces worn by Jewish girls and women in Sana‘ (Yemen) on festive occasions, to display their dowries and represent the wealth of their families. Its two…
This illustration, from Jüdische neue Zeitung vom Marsch aus Wien und anderen Orten der jetzigen zwölff Jüdischen Stammen (Jewish Newspaper from the March to Vienna and Other Places of the Current…