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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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40 clay seals showing impressions of images or alphabetic inscriptions.
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Bullas from Jerusalem

The backs of many bullas, like those shown here from the City of David in Jerusalem, have impressions of the strings that once tied the rolled document and marks from the papyrus fibers of the…
Seal with carving of archer shooting a bow and Hebrew inscription.
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Seal of Hagab, with Archer

This phosphorite seal, found in the plaza of the Western Wall in Jerusalem, portrays an archer with a bow prepared to shoot. The quality of the carving is very high. The depiction of the archer is…
Ivory or bone spoon handle and portion of spoon bowl depicting a person wearing headdress and clothing with one arm raised, and lotus blossom to left of figure.
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Ivory Spoon

This spoon from Hazor has a wide handle intricately incised on its front with a sequence of palmettes curving upward instead of the more common downward-turning volutes. The spoon’s use is unclear. It…

The Scapegoat

(The stage is bare, on stage are Sonia and Yishai. Music.)Sonia:Yishai, aren’t you the one who’s bringing the children from Ahuza?Yishai:No, Yoska, from the…
Coin with image of an ear with pronounced lobe.
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Coin with Ear

The image of an ear on this coin may symbolize God as the one who hears prayers, as in passages such as Psalm 34:16, 18, and Psalm 130:2. The image is paralleled on Egyptian stelas that depict…


The living room is deserted, dark and quiet. Knocking is heard. Rina comes out of her room carrying an oil lamp to see where the sounds are coming from. She walks around the living room in a…
Terra-cotta figurine of women with long hair playing frame drum.
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Woman Playing Frame Drum

The drumhead of this Phoenician-style terra-cotta figurine from Shikmona (south of Haifa) is recessed, suggesting that the drum had only a single head. Figurines like this are typically found in…

Integration and Survival

Jewish identity in the preemancipation period assumed essentially one of two forms—religion or communalism. Each in its own way was a break with tradition. Each was predicated on acceptance of the…


Now Jacob was settled in the land where his father had sojourned, the land of Canaan. This, then, is the line of Jacob: At seventeen years of age, Joseph tended…

The Division of the Kingdom

Rehoboam went to Shechem, for all Israel had come to Shechem to acclaim him as king. Jeroboam son of Nebat learned of it while he was still in Egypt; for Jeroboam had fled from King Solomon, and had…