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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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Psalm 8

For the leader; on the gittith. A psalm of David. O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name throughout the earth, You who have covered the heavens with Your splendor! From the mouths of…

Psalm 105

Praise the Lord; call on His name; proclaim His deeds among the peoples. Sing praises to Him; speak of all His wondrous acts. Exult in His holy name; let all who seek the Lord rejoice. Turn to…
Painting of young woman standing next to three men seated at a table with open books.
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The Difficult Question

Early in his career, Jacob Meyer de Haan (also known as Isaac Meyer de Haan) was known for his Jewish genre paintings. In this one, painted in 1880 while de Haan still resided in the Netherlands, a…

Wisdom’s Self-Praise

It is Wisdom calling, Understanding raising her voice. She takes her stand at the topmost heights, By the wayside, at the crossroads, Near the gates at the city entrance; At the entryways, she…
Painting of boy seated next to a stove studying a book.
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A Difficult Passage in the Talmud

A Difficult Passage in the Talmud is one of the many scenes of Jewish life in Hungary, Moravia, Slovakia, Galicia, Ukraine, and Russian Poland that Isidor Kaufmann was best known for. His idyllic…

Elihu Speaks

These three men ceased replying to Job, for he considered himself right. Then Elihu son of Barachel the Buzite, of the family of Ram, was angry—angry at Job because he thought himself…
Painting of city street, with woman crossing street and wagon and horse in center.
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Am Kurfürstendamm

This rainy streetscape exemplifies the style and subject matter for which Lesser Ury is best known. The Kurfürstendamm is one of Berlin’s most storied boulevards, known for its very wide walking paths…

Jacob’s Testament to His Sons

And Jacob called his sons and said, “Come together that I may tell you what is to befall you in days to come. Assemble and hearken, O sons of Jacob; Hearken to Israel your father: Reuben, you…
Bronze sculpture of angular shapes resembling a torso.
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Torso in Metal from "The Rock Drill"

The first version of The Rock Drill, exhibited in 1915, was a white plaster figure sitting astride a real drill, an amalgam of man and machine. The sculptor, Jacob Epstein, originally intended it as a…

An Order Concerning a Jar of Oil

(Obverse) To Nahum, [and] now: go to the house of Elyashib son of Ishiyahu and you shall take from there 1 jar of oil and send to Ziph quickly, and seal it with your seal. (Reverse) On the 24th of the…