Jewish Gymnastics Newspaper

Hermann Jalowicz


What We Want!

A healthy mind lives in a healthy body!

This old Latin adage never received proper attention among us Jews, although we do not doubt its truth. Accepted in theory, its thought did not become deed. Our narrow focus on education led to our nervousness and exhaustion—we fought against it.

We want to restore the vanished muscle tone to the limp Jewish body, refresh and strengthen it, and make it nimble and vigorous.

We want to do this in a Jewish club so that we can simultaneously strengthen our fraying bonds and elevate our sinking self-confidence.

We want to honor and polish the old Jewish ideals, for which our Jewish youth have lost all appreciation.

We want to stand up courageously and energetically to antisemitism, which has shed its strident exterior but has gained in intensity.

We want to cultivate a noble national feeling that is free of all arrogance and does not exclude work on behalf of all humanity. openly and before the whole world we affirm our nationality, to which we are loyal, just as we scrupulously and loyally fulfill our civic duties

Those are our goals!

The Jüdische Turnzeitung

Will give expression to these ideals and undertake their dissemination. It will report noteworthy occurrences in our club. Furthermore, it will attempt to inform and stimulate readers with popular articles about gymnastics, hygiene, modern Jewish issues, and Jewish history. Finally, it will advocate for the establishment of gymnastics clubs everywhere and attempt to organize the existing ones into an association.

“Great work develops only through unity!” [ . . . ]

The Bar Kochba Jewish Gymnastics Club, Berlin exercises:

  • Male division: Mondays 9:30–10 am, Gipsstrasse 23a,
    • Wednesdays: 8–10am, Gr[oße] Hamburgerstr.
  • Female division: Tuesdays and Thursdays: 8–10 am, Auguststrasse 67–68
    • Registration in the gym. [ . . . ]

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A. Streidel
Berlin C.,
Rosenthaler-Strasse 34–35

Gymnastics Outfits

In good and trusted qualities for the lowest prices
Telephone III, 8318. Founded in 1860
Address for telegrams: Lawntennis-Berlin


Translated by





Hermann Jalowicz, Jüdische Turnzeitung: Officielles Organ des jüdischen Turnvereins “Bar Kochba” Berlin [Jewish Gymnastics Newspaper], no. 1 (May 1900): pp. 1, 8.

Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 7.

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