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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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The Book of Jerusalem Journeys

In 1930, Chaim Elazar Shapiro (Spira), the Hasidic rebbe of Munkacs, Czechoslovakia (today, Mukachevo, Ukraine), traveled by rail to Vienna and Trieste and by ship to Alexandria, where he and his…

Letter to Henrietta Szold

Tiberias, March 7, 1909To the Very Honorable Miss Szold,I am certain that you will be surprised that after a year and a half of silence I am suddenly taking up our correspondence with this long letter…

What a Decade! 1914–1924

Nineteen nineteen was one of the most difficult years for the Bolsheviks. The civil war flared up in every corner of Russia. In Ukraine, Petliura, Grigoriev, Denikin…

May Revolution (1810-1917)

Israel, expressing the sentiments of the Jewish people living on these hospitable shores, in homage to this glorious, historic date, addresses to Argentina’s forefathers who acted that…

Redemption through Sin

No chapter in the history of the Jewish people during the last several hundred years has been as shrouded in mystery as that of the Sabbatian movement. On one point, at least, there is no longer any…

Popular Poetry of the Russian Jews

[ . . . ] Similarly, the Russian Jews use the traditional rhyming couplet in those verses that chronicle a historical event or inculcate an ethical truth. The real folksongs, however, are set to music…

An Exchange on the Jewish Question

Is there a Jewish people? Thousands of Jews, whose language at school and in daily discourse is Hebrew, are again living in Palestine. Neo-Hebrew literature has essayists like Ahad Ha-Am, poets like B…

Bondy Jr.

At the Realschule fathers and mothers were lined up in single file in the director’s room. Parents who took the occasion very seriously appeared in couples with their young hopefuls. The director…