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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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Almanac for the Year 5675

The Molad is Wednesday evening, 10 minutes and 9 halakim on 6 [6:10.9 pm] Iyar 5675—April 1915—Taurus—(29 days) [Hebrew Date] [Day of the week] [Christian Date] [Islamic Date] 1st Thursday Se…

Three Donkeys

Three donkeys from Beersheba, so they say, Plodded slowly down the road to Dan one day. One brown, one black, one white, they went their way. The three passed by a minaret, and there The black one…

Letters from the Ghettos

The two hundred and fifty letters presented here require no preliminaries or commentary. No human language is adequate to the task. Even the account of our people’s history, drenched as…

Blessed Is the Match

Blessed is the match, consumed in kindling flame. Blessed is the flame that burns in the heart’s secret places. Blessed is the heart that knows, for honors sake, to stop its beating. Blessed is the…

On Literature and the State

Our state is young, with a girl’s years, just fourteen. Still without her shoes, as the poet says. But she seems old, many generations old. In these few years, old age has pounced on her. No one is…

Friends Talking about Jimmy

Jimmy’s body was taken to Har Tuv, where the doctor confirmed his death, and from Har Tuv it was taken to the morgue in the hospital in the convent of Abu Gosh. He lay there, covered with a gray…

A Common Grave

To the sacred memory of dear Shmulik and his comrades who fell in the battle to liberate Yeḥi‘amHe rose from the bed shading his eyes with his hands as if it was light although it was still dark. His…

The Brigade

I was sitting next to Brodsky, and Sonnenshein was sitting opposite us, near the back of the truck. From the moment we had crossed into Germany, something had happened to him. His pipe never left his…