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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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Yam shel Shelomoh (Sea of Solomon)

Solomon of yore said in his wisdom, “More than these, my son, beware of making many books without limit” (Ecclesiastes 12:12). Our rabbis interpreted this in Tractate Eruvin that it teaches the…

Responsum: On Philosophy

On the twenty-fourth day of the counting [of the Omer] may there be tranquility and pleasantness in your chamber of Torah. The handmaids of the emperor’s house would sing his praises: “no eye-shadow…

Three Picture Poems

The turning wheel runs round and round.    It opens and closes the exit of my gate. Noisily it turns for ruin and destruction.    My head is split, my entrails spilled. It chases and it catches…

Tales from the Mayse Book

This is the story of what happened to Rabbi Simeon the Great, who lived in Mayence on the Rhine. Now Rabbi Simeon, he had three big mirrors hanging in his home. And in these mirrors…

The Road to Ein Harod

Not a word about Ein Harod on the official radio. All the official communiqués were broadcast. Directives to obey. Directives to obey directives. Directives prohibiting assemblies. Directives not to…


I sit by the desk. Four hours of sleep is enough. The rain beats strongly on the neighboring garage’s tin rooftop. The roar of a bus rises from afar. Early rising workers head for the morning shift…

The People, Food Fit for a King

The warden didn’t answer. He was scared to make a mistake, to say something that would be even more damaging to him, so he cleared his throat and didn’t say a word. The commander repeated his question…

Mandatory High School/Class of 1973

A young man graduates and heads off to get damaged He’s got nothing urgent for now and though they push him around he manages He has no water in his knees He has no plaster in his joints He’ll be…


Stones are stones. Why did you say stones? Why did you throw stones? Why are you standing here, child? What’s got into you to throw stones at soldiers? Why aren’t you afraid? Why aren’t you worried…


The one who whispers in automobiles Causes streetlamps to tremble with thanksgiving as he kneels And brings their harsh hauteur low as they boast At the hour of perfect darkness At the height of the…