Sample Sources
The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
Sheyris Yisroel (Remnant of Israel)
The German holy community of Amsterdam was founded in the year 5396 [1635/6]. This I discovered in a few pages of a book written by Maharam Maarsen, one of the first German Jews in…
Tseror ha-mor (Bundle of Myrrh) and Eshkol ha-kofer (Cluster of Henna)
When I was in Castile in the city of Zamora, tranquil and secure in my abode, I set my mind to inquire and explore matters of Torah and began to compose a book yielding lovely…
Documentos para todo estado e ydade, e em particular para abituar bem os moços desde sua moçidade â vertude (Documents for Every State and Age, and in Particular to Accustom Young Men from Their Youth to Virtue)
Turn from evil and do good. Beloved Son. The great esteem in which I hold you and my intense desire for your welfare have prompted me to draw up this list of virtues as an antidote against the…
Appointment of Jacob Abendana
In the Name of the Blessed God.In consideration of the fact that it is needful for the prosperity of this Kaal Kados [congregation—Ed.], which God bless, to have the service of a Haham who should…
Reflexoens politicos tocante a constituaçāo da Naçāo Judaica (Political Reflections Concerning the Constitution of the Jewish Nation)
No matter what the body of the Nation, be it in the form of a kingdom or a republic, it comprises various classes of people; as for the nobles, who make the state blossom through commerce, increased…
Hymn for the First Meal
Prepare the feast
of perfect faith,
the delight of the Holy King.
Prepare the feast of the King.
This is the feast
of the Field of Holy Apples;
the Lesser Presence and Ancient Eminence
Jüden Schul (Jewish Synagogue)
When the engagement of two parties occurs, many Jews are invited, young and old, and they gather in a big room and each of the young Jews has a new…
Sha‘ar ruaḥ ha-kodesh (The Gate of the Holy Spirit)
A yihud [magical-theurgic “unification”] that my teacher, of blessed memory, taught me to remove an evil spirit: [For] sometimes the soul of an evil person is yet unable to get into Gehinnom because…
Tomer Devorah (The Palm Tree of Deborah)
For man to resemble his Creator according to the secret of the Supernal Crown he must possess, too, many of the chief qualities of the divine providence.
- The quality of humility includes all qualities…