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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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Wise Virgins

Man is not naturally a gregarious animal, though he has become so under the compulsion of circumstances and civilisation. You can see this in the history of his dwellings. In the beginning…

The Daredevil

She heard a sudden loud squeaking, so she raised her head. Seeing the cart she let out a happy shout: “A troupe!” Her mother came out from the kitchen and looked through the window. “A fat lot of good…
Portrait painting of a man who faces viewer and wears a suit and tie.
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Portrait of Itzik Manger

Chaim Gliksberg was well-known for his portraits of literary figures. Here, he has pictured Itzik Manger, the celebrated Yiddish poet and playwright. Manger was particularly renowned for his modernist…

Letter to My Honored Captain

My red blood is dripping, slowly flowing, My panting heart slowly calms down in peace, I lie here peacefully on a narrow stretcher, And my hazy eyes gaze into the distance. My red blood is dripping…
Painting of trees lining a wide boulevard.
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Carob Tree Boulevard

Ori Reisman painted with a spatula, reducing his subjects to large blocks of vibrant color with little or no detail, which could be experienced as both figurative and abstract. During his lifetime he…

I Am the Creeper

I am the creeper, the wild one Climbing your garden hedge, Reaching, a red one, a wild one, Up to your window ledge; To inhale your dress’ rustling As on your floor I lay, To pale in the light of…

Madame Butterfly: A Tragedy of Japan

Madame Butterfly [Impassively, her eyes narrowing]:Speak concerning marriage once more, you die! [She fans herself. Suzuki salaams and backs quickly toward the door. Madame Butterfly claps her hands…


Jeremiah:Not now the time for beginnings. The end draws nigh.The Mother:It is time! It is time! Long since have you grown to manhood. The house has need of a wife, and of children to raise up seed to…

A Lower East Side Vacation

“Green fields, fair forests, singing streams, pine-clad mountains, verdant vista—from the monotony of the city to the monotony of nature. I wanted a complete change, and so I went to the East Side of…
Cement and steel monument resembling a large firearm in a white base next to a building, surrounded by sand dunes.
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Jordan Valley Memorial Monument

Like other sculptures created by Yigael Tumarkin, the Jordan Valley Memorial Monument, erected to commemorate hundreds of Israeli soldiers who died fighting terrorists in the years immediately…

Diary Entry: On Circumcision

24 December. Sunday. [ . . . ] This morning my nephew’s circumcision. A short, bow-legged man, Austerlitz, who already has 2,800 circumcisions behind him, deftly executed the affair. The oper is…