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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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The Flight of the Dove

The light passes through the curtain and brightens it, spreading a dull glow over the night-table and drawing a single shining line over the edge of the ashtray. The woman’s one eye follows it until…

On the Shore, Tel Aviv, Winter 1974

A crocodile cloud swallowed a cloud-cloud. All is clogged and where did the war go? The pier is painted red and yellow with the inscription: Tel Aviv. The drums of the depths are indifferent. In the…
Relief with diamond pattern of people in cone-shaped hats swinging slingshots
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Slingers and Slingstones

Slingers attacking Lachish, 701 BCE, from Assyrian relief in the Nineveh palace of Sennacherib (reigned 705–681 BCE). Members of the Assyrian army are depicted with slingstones piled at their feet…
Model of temple and long avenue lined with small uniform buildings.
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Ishtar Gate and Processional Avenue

Ishtar Gate and processional avenue, Babylon. This scale model in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin shows the splendor of the city in the days of the prophet—or prophets—whose words are preserved in…
Frontal and back faience amulet of figure who is nude with feathered headdress and a grotesque face and beard.
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Faience Amulet Depicting Bes

Amulets often took the form of Bes, a minor Egyptian deity, who was understood to guard mothers in childbirth and their babies. Bes is often shown with a feathered headdress and a grotesque face, a…
Seal with four-winged serpent.
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Seal with Four-winged Uraeus

This seal, found at the Western Wall plaza in Jerusalem, shows a uraeus or upright cobra with four wings. Modeled on the black-necked cobra that applies its venom both by biting and spitting, it was…

The Story of Bruria

“Ma’aseh Bruria,” a group creation compiled from Talmudic and Midrashic sources. Conceived, originated and researched by: Gabriella…