Sample Sources
The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
Letters to Richea Gratz
Lancaster, August 5th 1793Miss Richea Gratz,PhiladelphiaThe letter of the 1st instant from my dear sister I now seat myself to accknowledge. Its contents I duly note. The subject it treats on is of…
First Will
I request my husband to dispose as follows:I would wish to be able to give my family in Berlin the capital of 10,000 gulden held for me by my husband . . . my pearls, as my favorite pieces of jewelery…
Toldot rabenu he-hakham Mosheh ben Menahem (Biography of Our Wise Teacher, Moses, Son of Menachem)
On the twelfth of the month of Elul in the year five thousand four hundred and eighty-nine, Menaḥem the scribe and teacher of young children in the community of Dessau, became the father of Moses,…
Sefer yesh manḥilin (Those Who Bequeath)
Behold, I am aged and my eyes are dim and my hands heavy and shaky, and at a time when my strength, enabling me to remain standing upon my watch, is ebbing away—with the yoke of the…
Correspondence Re: Circumcision of Babies and Marranos
New York, 28 May, 1753Mr. Aaron LopezDear Sir:I have received your esteemed letter, in which you so kindly inform me that our Lord has given you a son. For this I extend the due felicitations to you…
Pirḥe ha-aviv (Spring Flowers)
This small volume which I now present to you, my fellow readers, is an offshoot of the numerous saplings that I have planted for myself over the course of many days, nay years; for ever…
Recently, Jewish feminists have turned toward the biblical figure of Miriam to expand women’s place in Jewish traditions. Penina Moïse anticipated the potential innovative role Miriam might play.
Letter to Tuvie Feder
“You are angry about the language into which my book has been translated? You sound like chirping birds and clattering animals and wild beasts in the forest! Kindly recall, my dear friend! What…
Livyat ḥen (Ornament of Grace)
A simple four-syllable poem, where each of the four members of the line has four tenu‘ot, with no yated. In some of them, the members do not rhyme…
Elim: Ma‛ayan ḥatum (Elim: A Sealed Spring)
You asked how an object can move without being touched, and this indeed is a puzzling matter to all sages. To explain this issue, I must first discuss some rudiments of the science of music, for if…
La-yesharim tehilah (Praise for the Upright)
Reason and Righteousness in the Field.Reason:Righteousness, beloved of my soul, may your heart be of good courage. Gird yourself with vigor, for, the further salvation seems to be from…
History of Jews in Kraków and Kazimierz, 1304–1868
In 1867, starting in Austria, the idea of equality made its way into normal constitutional life in Galicia. This wasn’t an easy thing to accomplish, due to prejudices that had been cultivated over…