Sample Sources
The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
Come, faithful community, let us sing
Come, faithful community, To Him who dwells on high, Come, let us sing.O garden dweller, Young and old, Come, let us sing.We will exalt His name, We are His people, Come, let us sing. …
The Dilemma
When I see Hannah in full light, when I remember Naomi, perfect in splendour—my soul is aflame for Hannah, my spirit is kindled for Naomi.Here I am, sitting on the fence: Hannah, as of today, is my…
According to the Torah
According to the Torah, a man can acquire a woman in one of three ways:
Through a document, through silver, or through intercourse. God is the one that gives a prudent wife.
In truth, one must begin…
Asleep in songs and lullabies
Asleep in songs and lullabies was my heart, while I was dreaming, imagining myself amidst poets, as eloquent and intelligent as the finest wine yeast.From my drunken slumber an illustrious man awoke…
The War of the Holy Days
Now, my dear friends, do you see what you’re doing? The Holy Days indulged in arrogant boasting, in envy and hatred and warfare. Hanukkah tried to fight them all and carry the day…
Time with his pointed shafts
Time with his pointed shafts has hit my heart
and split my gut, laid open my entrails,
landed me a blow that will not heal,
knocked me down, left me in lasting pain.
Time wounded me…
Fatḥ-nāmah (The Book of Conquest)
When, through God’s guiding grace,
The prophet Joshua and the Hebrews
Encamped before the town of Jericho,
Besieging it from every side,
Ganj-nāmah (The Book of Treasure)
Moses who was God’s unique messenger,
Who revealed the Path of God to humankind,
In God’s Presence at Mount Sinai
He received knowledge and insight,
The Torah, the Truth, and the Path
He accepted…
Emunat omen (The True Faith)
These hypocrites maliciously break all Ten Commandments. All they do is only for show. They pride themselves that they believe in the existence of God, may He be blessed, while in truth it is not so…
Ḥerem against the Karaites
We have placed in ḥerem [excommunication] David Henriq[ue]s, alias David Almansa, [and] Aron and Ishack Dias da Fonseca and the account reads, as follows:
(In Adar I). The gentlemen of the Mahamad…
Dod Mordekhay (Uncle of Mordechai)
Before we write the answers to the wise man’s questions we will cite the questions he posed in his writings, so that the answers can be positioned opposite the…
Asham taluy (Pending Guilt Offering)
I am very much astonished at all the writers who have argued with the wise men of the Christians, and who have recorded their arguments in books. I have not found within them a decisive…