Sample Sources
The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
Arbol de vidas, en el qual se contienen los dinim mas necessarios que deve observar todo Ysrael (Tree of Life, in Which Are Included Those Laws Most Necessary for All Israel to Observe)
The will of the creator is that the world should be sustained, expanded, and populated daily by man, whom he shaped for his glory. That is, indeed, why he created this great machine, and…
Ture zahav (Columns of Gold)
When the Lord enlarged the border of the Jewish people, and they increased and grew exceedingly mighty, and the land was filled with knowledge of the Lord [see Exodus 1:7; Isaiah 11:9] by the…
For Exorcism
To exorcise any spirit or any demon from a person [is] a kabbalistic power [ma‘aseh merkavah] with which King Solomon, peace be upon him, ruled all the demons. Fast for three consecutive days—Monday…
Exemplar de penitencia dividido em tres discursos para o dia santo de Kipur (The Pattern of Penitence, or Three Discourses for the Sacred Day of Yom Kippur)
This disunity among us, the lack of piousness for one another, the civil war of murmurings in places where conversations and visits occur, evils that have caused the past and extend…
Levush malkhut (Royal Garment)
I have divided this garment into three parts, all of which can serve as cloaks for the rabbis. I have arranged them in the following order: the first part is my commentary on the Guide…
Letter on the Ten Tribes
Concerning the matter of the ten tribes, my dear sir should know that in Egypt, there is a place that is called Sawakin, almost a thirty-day distance away—from there, some say it is a three-day…
The Biography of Shabbetai Tzvi
It happened one day that Sabbatai Zevi returned from Egypt with his wife. As he entered Gaza, the prophet Nathan cried out with a loud voice: “This is the saviour of Israel, the messiah of the God of…
Letter from Safed
[And I read some words to this effect in the letter of R. Abraham Blipp—may the All-Merciful protect and redeem him—written to Venice on November 5, 1607, to our teacher, R. Judah—may the righteous be…
Approbation for a Prayer Book
The great value of prayer is well known. It is formulated in the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings, and explained further in the words of our rabbis of blessed memory. It is called the service of…
Triumph of the Virtue and Patience of Job
At the time when the florid season,
joyful springtime of life,
the tender infancy of its ardent age,
made its first step in the Orient
placing flower before Aprils
to my first juvenile…
Ayelet ahavim (Hind of Love)
And it came to pass, when they gathered to go, joyous in their departure and glad to run the course, the great God raised His voice, and the sound of thunder swiftly turned silent. All gave ear to the…