Sample Sources
The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
Bilderbuch (Picture Book)
[Picture 1]I am king Solomon With scepter and crown Pikkolo is my chancellor. He stands near my throne.
A Portrait of Karl Marx
It is not uncommon to find children of Jewish socialists with first names like “William Morris,” “Lassalle,” or “Bebel.” But we will definitely not find any children named after Karl Marx.
Aramaic Proverbs: The Words of Ahiqar
The Words of Ahiqar are the teachings that Ahiqar, the wise scribe who was chief counselor to the kings of Assyria, imparted to his nephew and adopted son Nadin.
Edom Will Be Destroyed
The prophecy of Obadiah.
We have received tidings from the Lord,
And an envoy has been sent out among the nations:
“Up! Let us rise up against her for battle.”
Thus said my Lord God concerning…
The Bramble and the Pomegranate (from The Words of Ahiqar)
The [bram]ble sent a message to the pomegranate as follows: “Dear Pomegranate, what good are all [your] thorns [to him who tou]ches your [fru]it?” The [pome] granate replied to the bramble, “You are…
Report from Lucienville Agricultural Colony
On August 20, 1906, the settlers of the Jewish Colonization Association, meeting in the town of Basavilbaso, Lucienville Colony…
Double Burial Chamber in St. Étienne Cemetery
Steps at the rear of this burial chamber in the St. Étienne cemetery lead up to a second, inner one, with rock-cut, tub-shaped burial places, perhaps intended for important members of the families who…
An Open Wound
Six million perished not because of a cataclysm of nature, as is evoked by use of that inadequate term “holocaust”; they died not because they lacked courage, but because they lacked the minimum…
Who Is a Sephardi?
Haifa 1 Elul, 5724 August 9, 1964 To: His Excellency David Ben-Gurion Sde BokerDear Sir,From your letter of May 19, 1964, I understood that you wish to avoid a comprehensive discussion of the problems…