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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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Drawing of man speaking to another man in robes on a dais, holding a dripping sword, with two men holding impaled human heads behind him.
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Alliance with the Sultan

Dr. Herzl: Bravo! Bravo Abdul Hamid! To the right, the heads of the Greeks (Macedonians), to the left, those of the Amalekites (Armenians)! Keep going! I know that you are merciful and pious! Give…

The Ethics of Judaism

§181. In contradistinction to ritual holiness we have what has been called ethical holiness. The former is merely symbolic of an order of existence higher…

The Neila

The end of the day approaches. The Book of Life and Death is about to be closed, and the hand of God will inscribe the destiny of man. It hesitates, trembles, stops. A voice, sweet and frail, an…

Higid Mordekhai (Mordechai Narrated)

This is the statement of the author, Mordechai Ha-kohen, son of My Lord, My Father Rabbi Yehudah, son of Marco (Mordechai), son of Abraham Israel Hakohen, born in Tripoli, Africa, on the twenty-fifth…


Collection of writings, proclamations, and epistles related to the controversy between Hasidim and Misnagdim during the emergence of Hasidism (1772–1816)