Your light is sweet

Eleazar Azikri


Your light is sweet and pleasing for my heart’s joy and gladness,
O my soul’s beloved, my full desire is that I never depart from your presence.
My plan, each day and night, is to find favor in the presence of my crown [God].
Please, O my creator and fashioner, shine your countenance upon your servant!
Like the sun shining at morning’s light, which is never absent or gone,
Your servant’s soul is mighty with flaming fiery love for you.
Please, O my creator and fashioner, shine your countenance upon your servant!
May the glow of the shekhinah hover over me, and may all my thoughts be about her,
And my mouth’s utterances and statements be about the matter of your Name’s Glory.1
Please, O my creator and fashioner, shine your countenance upon your servant!
O unique one, unite my unique soul!2 May my stiff inclination3 be gone!
May all creatures worship you together, and may Israel, your beloved, sing!
May all creatures worship you together, and may Israel, your beloved, sing!

Translated by


[Psalms 79:9; the word kavod, “glory,” often serves in biblical Hebrew to express a concept similar to that of shekhinah in talmudic literature.—Trans.]

[Literally “my unique thing,” an epithet for the soul in Psalms 22:21.—Trans.]

[My inclination to do evil.—Trans.]


Eleazar Azikri, Sefer ḥaredim (Book of the Pious) (Venice: D. Zaneti, 1601), 43a.

Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 5.

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