Circular Letter to the Italian Jewish Communities

Samuel Judah Katzenellenbogen

ca. 1574

When there came to our notice the work composed and recently published by R. Azariah de’ Rossi, entitled Me‘or ‘enayim, which contains the sections: “The Voice of God,” “The Glory of the Elders,” and “Words of Reason,” with some chapters in this third section aiming to deal with ancient history, and it emerged replete with novel expositions unknown to our holy ancestors—whose portion is in eternal life—the outstanding greatest authorities in each city of the nearby holy communities in Italy, who have appended their signatures, agreed that no one, whosoever he might be, belonging to the general community or any particular congregation associated with them, and the villages and all others who tremble at their word, may retain the aforesaid work in his possession—neither in whole or in part—nor may they study it, unless and until each individual among them first obtains written and sealed permission from the sages of his city—and this ban carries the stringency applicable to one who transgresses the words of the sages: And may those adhering to the ban receive good fortune, and may a blessing of goodness come upon them:

Affirmed by decree of the sages of Venice and its delegated authorities on 4 Nisan 5334 [5 April 1574], its signatories being:


Samuel Judah Katzenellenbogen


[There follows a list of distinguished local contemporary rabbinic authorities]

Affirmed in the holy community of Pesaro on 14 Nisan 5334, its signatories being:

[There follows a list of distinguished local contemporary rabbinic authorities]

Affirmed in the holy community of Ancona on 18 Nisan 5334, its signatories being:

[There follows a list of distinguished local contemporary rabbinic authorities]

Publicly proclaimed in the holy community of Cremona during the discourse of our most illustrious teacher, R. Abraham Menaḥem Porto ha-Kohen—may his Rock and Redeemer preserve him—by agreement of the ruler our teacher, R. Saul Raphael Carmi, appointee for the region—may his Rock and Redeemer preserve him—on the holy Sabbath of Aḥare mot, 28 Nisan 5334.

Affirmed in the holy community of Padua on 4 Iyar, 5334, its signatories being:

[There follows a short list of distinguished local contemporary rabbinic authorities]

Affirmed in the holy community of Verona on 3 Iyar 5334, its signatories being:

[There follows a short list of distinguished local contemporary rabbinic authorities]

Publicly proclaimed in the holy community of Rome during the discourse of the most illustrious and righteous priest [kohen] undersigned, and affirmed by decree of his colleagues, the sages and the appointees, on 23 Iyyar, 5334, its signatories being:

[There follows a list of distinguished local contemporary rabbinic authorities]

Affirmed by decree of the sages of Ferrara on 3 Sivan 5334, its signatories being:

[There follows a list of distinguished local rabbinic authorities]

Publicly proclaimed in the holy community of Siena during the discourse of the most illustrious authority, our teacher, R. Isaac Kohen of Viterbo—may his Rock and Redeemer preserve him—the agreement signed on 5 Sivan 5334.

Hearken, and your souls shall live! (Isaiah 55:3)


Translated by

David E. 



Samuel Judah Katzenellenbogen,“Circular Letter to the Italian Jewish Communities (Hebrew)” (Letter, Venice, ca. 1574). Published in: David Kaufmann, “Contributions à l’histoire des luttes d’Azaria de Rossi,” Revue des Études Juives vol. 33, no. 65 (1896): 77–87:83–85.

Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 5.

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