Gender Roles
Engage with the gendered dimensions of Jewish life and discover lost voices of Jewish women.

Curated by Deborah Dash Moore and Noam Pianko
Gendered Ritual Roles
Jewish women had very clearly demarcated spaces in traditional Jewish rituals. All four of these visual sources illustrate examples of differentiated roles. Even while engaged in a shared ritual practice such as preparing bodies for burial, synagogue prayer, or a wedding ceremony, men and women occupied separate spaces. These images capture the gendered expectations, and efforts to preserve these customs, in a variety of ritual settings.

Jews Praying in the Synagogue on Yom Kippur


Jewish Burial Society: Sewing the Shrouds and The Washing of the Body

Torah Binder
Finding Women’s Voices
Changing gender norms in the early modern period created new venues for some Jewish women to begin to take on more influential roles as communal leaders. These sources point to the evolving position of women around the globe in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. What changes can you see in these examples of Jewish women playing new roles in religious, literary, and artistic spheres?

Miriam HaNeviah

Passover Haggadah with German Translation