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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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I hope in the Lord at all times

I hope in the Lord at all times, And to the fearsome, awful One, I cry: Grant redemption, Thou Who dost not slumber, dost not sleep. My soul, all weary and exhausted, Longs and yearns, For it…

All Those Who Love You

I left his house Of my own volition. In order to build him a house Of my own volition. But it seems my father Remained solitary And neglected Not of his own volition. I was moving towards my…

Russia, Russia Fragments

Oh, Father of great mercy In sunset’s flame there fades My cradle land That was once nearer to me than my salt-crusted shirt Where with my brother Russian I shared more than once A measly bite of…
Dome-shaped stone weight with Hebrew inscription.
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Inscribed Weights

Inscribed weights, late 8th or 7th century BCE. These weights, used on a balance scale, correspond, from lightest to heaviest, to (a) payim, (b) netsef, (c) one shekel, and (d) two shekels. (The…

Woman from the Earth

When God created the first man, Adam, and realized that he was all alone, God said: It is not good for a man to be alone and he created a woman for Adam and named her Lilith. From the beginning…