Sample Sources
The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
I Too Want to Marry a Housewife
I too wish to marry a desperate housewife
Blur my way into her house with the evening light
The aromas of salad and an omelet cooking
To live in the shade of her becoming
To have her raise me like…
In Jewish tradition, the command to “bind them [God’s words] as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead” is understood as requiring passages from the Torah to be written on…
A New Exegesis with God’s Help
I am now writing, with God’s help, a new commentary on your breasts.
It is a precious, blessed composition, in my poverty I have gathered various commentaries,
From what came to hand. It is a…
Ashlar Masonry Wall in Samaria Acropolis
The masonry in the royal palace of Samaria, the capital of the Northern Kingdom, is considered the finest example of ashlar masonry from the Iron Age. The blocks are cut so well that they fit together…
Plaque Figurine of Pregnant Woman
In this terra-cotta plaque figurine from Tell Beit Mirsim, 6 inches (15 cm) high, the pregnant woman’s arms cradle her belly and her navel and genitalia protrude. Incisions indicate the eyes, the hair…
Bullas from Jerusalem
The backs of many bullas, like those shown here from the City of David in Jerusalem, have impressions of the strings that once tied the rolled document and marks from the papyrus fibers of the…
My Name Is Barak
When I try to think which game I like the most, I usually think of make-believe acting games. Even if they’re without masks, funny clothes, or old shoes with wrinkled tongues. Even if there’s no…
Seal of Hagab, with Archer
This phosphorite seal, found in the plaza of the Western Wall in Jerusalem, portrays an archer with a bow prepared to shoot. The quality of the carving is very high. The depiction of the archer is…
Things I Keep to Myself
I really like it when it rains in the morning, before school, because then, there’s this atmosphere of winter. Outside, it’s cloudy and pretty dark, and in the classroom and hallways you suddenly…
Ivory Spoon
This spoon from Hazor has a wide handle intricately incised on its front with a sequence of palmettes curving upward instead of the more common downward-turning volutes. The spoon’s use is unclear. It…