Sample Sources
The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
On Our Movement in These Days
Despair before loss. The first reaction in relation to our world movement and its status in wartime was among many…
New Movements among the Jewish Proletariat
The newest stream of Jewish immigration, driven to these shores by the waves of the Russian Revolution, and its counterpart, the atrocious massacres of Jews, has brought in its wake an undercurrent of…
An Exchange on the Jewish Question
Is there a Jewish people? Thousands of Jews, whose language at school and in daily discourse is Hebrew, are again living in Palestine. Neo-Hebrew literature has essayists like Ahad Ha-Am, poets like B…
Bondy Jr.
At the Realschule fathers and mothers were lined up in single file in the director’s room. Parents who took the occasion very seriously appeared in couples with their young hopefuls. The director…
After the Aliyah (Immigration to the Land of Israel)
The immigration of the Yemenites has halted. Over the past year, some two hundred and fifty to three hundred Yemenite families have settled in the colonies. The internal migrations of Yemenites from…
Making Jam
Aunt Feiga is making jam today. She has to hurry. The raspberry season will soon be over. So Aunt Feiga is all in a swivet; she has bought a huge bowl of raspberries and fifteen pounds of sugar and is…
Excerpt from a Letter to A. D. Gordon on Labor and Nature
[ . . . ] For the whole day after I received your letter, I had the same celebratory mood that one feels after a cleansing and encouraging spiritual moment. Yet I am too weak to hold on to it. In…
It is often said that among the Gentiles there are men of noble lineage whose features and outward appearance show that nothing but the purest and most refined aristocratic blood…
Lacking a Family Life
One of the causes of the failings in the lives of the young workers [in Palestine] is certainly the lack of family life. Here, too, there is room for observation. Here we have a phenomenon that is not…
The Way to a Man’s Heart ("The Settlement" Cook Book)
To Build a Fire
Scalloped Apples
Setting the Table
Washing Dishes
A Rebuttal to Opotowski
As soon as [Opotowski] came, he and the others were told that their chances of securing employment in a region where there are few Jews will be much better if they do not have such long beards. He and…
Rigoletto in Yiddish: A Notable Triumph
We are becoming so accustomed to the remarkable enterprise of the authorities of the Temple, East End Jewry’s playhouse in Commercial Road, that we cease to wonder at anything they now attempt in…