May salvation be near, and we be cleansed of great sin. Amen.
I, the undersigned, have witnessed the bad custom practiced among young men on the days of Purim, that in the synagogue during the…
To Section I, which deals with the Haggadah itself, I have added six other sections.
Section II, entitled “Moses, our Teacher,” is a collation of midrashim, which discuss his attributes…
Members of the Bund (General Union of Jewish Workers in Lithuania, Poland, and Russia), Po‘ale Tsiyon, the Socialist-Zionist party, and Jewish trade unions, along with representatives of the Russian…
May salvation be near, and we be cleansed of great sin. Amen.
I, the undersigned, have witnessed the bad custom practiced among young men on the days of Purim, that in the synagogue during the…
To Section I, which deals with the Haggadah itself, I have added six other sections.
Section II, entitled “Moses, our Teacher,” is a collation of midrashim, which discuss his attributes…
Members of the Bund (General Union of Jewish Workers in Lithuania, Poland, and Russia), Po‘ale Tsiyon, the Socialist-Zionist party, and Jewish trade unions, along with representatives of the Russian…