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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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A Jewish Worker’s May Day Speech

Gentlemen! Although I do not for a minute doubt that the majority of those present here know of the great worldwide workers’ holiday of “May 1st,” I nevertheless do not consider it redundant to remind…

Children, Onward! (Yeladim, lekhu!)

Children, onward. Children, onward! Through this gate. Every boy shall pass. Whoever has a white flag, Go to the right: Whoever has a blue flag, Go to the left. Children, onward. Children, onward! On…

Sermon on the Melting Pot

There is no denying that under the influence of this enthusiasm for America, the disintegrating process of the Melting Pot is taking place in large measure. That it is not, fortunately, taking place…

A Voice from Balta

I will speak with my heart while my soul is faint, when the spirit of my understanding wanders through the recesses of my worries. My thoughts surely ask me: What is this? And why is this? What is…

The Jews and the Fatherland

Dear colleague: I received your letter asking me to send you clear information about the political situation, notably in regard to the Jewish national movement. Do you not believe that it is still…
Drawing of someone fishing in a pond with images of himself in different professions above his head.
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Elijah and the Fisher Boy

One day, Elijah the Prophet was walking down the road. It was a bright, sunny day. Tree branches blew softly in the wind, and small birds chirped around his head. As he walked, he began to think about…