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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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Hear my cry, O Lord

Hear my cry, O Lord,Treat Zion well, with favor, speedily.Have mercy, fight my battle for me,For they have turned Jerusalem into ruins.Long have I inhabited a foreign land,Afflicted with bloody…

O age! Here’s something new

O age! Here’s something new that I have filledWith old, like fine oil in a flask.A kind of verse to please men’s mouths and mindsI have invented for exploring love.I provide a model of the differenceB…

Hymn to Bar Yohai

Blessed are you, Bar Yohai, you were anointed  by your brethren with the oil of joy:Bar Yohai,    with the oil of a sacred shareyou were anointed through holy measure, sanctity’s bud you wore like a…

Letter to Menaḥem Azariah da Fano

Abraham Menaḥem Kohen Porto to the prince and magnate, chieftain and nobleman, our teacher R. Menaḥem Azariah de Fano—may his Rock and Redeemer preserve him—greetings to his glorious excellency! Beh…

Philosophia libera (Free Wisdom)

 To the Most Serene Prince and to the Most Honorable and Wise Senators of the Venetian Republic Free Wisdom befits a Free Republic, most Serene Prince, most honorable Senators, whom Freedom of their…

The Physician’s Prayer

[ . . . ] Since, therefore, Thou hast favored me with kindness and hast crowned me with honor and glory and Thou hast made me worthy of knowing a bit of the science of medicine, therefore I wish to…


I swear by the Eternal God and by His ten most holy commandments, which were given on Mount Sinai through Moses as lawgiver after the people had been freed from their bondage in Egypt, that I have…

‘Ets ḥayim (Tree of Life)

The Rambam [Maimonides] wrote: The reason why the laws of women precede the laws of damages is in keeping with the order of the verses, as it is stated: If a man sell his daughter as a maidservant…

Colophon: Zohar (Mantua Edition)

I will greatly thank the Lord with my mouth, and I will bless God in full assembles [see Psalms 68:27], for He has not forsaken His mercy and His truth from me [see Genesis 24:27], but has led me on…