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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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“Prélude,” Abishag

For my daughter Nedjéand for her husband Armand Bengui.Where word and spirit make feeling divineI see creation and I see poetry . . .But I know I risk the sin of heresyIf I say the words and spirit…

The Favourite Game

The Breavmans founded and presided over most of the institutions which make the Montreal Jewish community one of the most powerful in the world today.The joke around the city is: The Jews are the…

Yossel Rakover’s Appeal to God

In the ruins of the Ghetto of Warsaw, among heaps of charred rubbish, there was found, packed tightly into a small bottle, the following testament, written during the ghetto’s last hours by a Jew…

The Schlemiel as Modern Hero

[ . . . ] Modern Jewish humor grows from the tension of having to reconcile a belief as absolute as Elijah’s with an experience of failure as absolute as that of the priests of Baal…

Horses in the Ocean

for I. EhrenburgHorses weren’t made for water.They can swim but not too far.“Gloria” means the same as “glory”—You will easily remember this part.Braving the sea, a transatlantic vesselRaised its flag…

O the Chimneys

And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God.—Job 19:26O the chimneysOn the ingeniously devised habitations of deathWhen Israel’s body drifted as smokeThrough the…

The Repatriated Ten Years Later

We had more or less forgotten them. We wanted to convince ourselves, without really trying to find out, that the march of time had left them satisfied, happy, at peace. The quarrels provoked by…

Victory Day in Tlemcen, Algeria

On Thursday, the twentieth day of the month of Ziv, which is Iyyar, the government announced the capture of Berlin, the city of blood, the capital of the cruel German nation, may their name be blotted…