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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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It took me twenty years to love this hole in the middle of nowhere. The cotton balls spread a white flame and there was an ill wind in the cypresses until for the first time I saw, with a just eye, t…
Reconstructed scale with two ancient bronze pans suspended from central beam of clear modern material. The left pan holds a balance weight and the right holds a piece of silver.
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Balance Scale

Balance scale (reconstruction). Pans from Iron Age II (ca. 980-586 BCE). Balance scales were likely made mostly of wood. No complete example has survived, but they are depicted in ancient Near Eastern…

Memoirs of a Fortunate Jew

At the end of King George Boulevard stood a tall building with two black, cavernous entrances. It served as a brothel, first for Arabs and later for Allied troops. When passing in front of this…
Photograph of ruins of stone buildings.
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Arad Sanctuary

The Arad sanctuary today exists in ruins (image on left), and scholars have attempted its reconstruction (right). The sanctuary included a building with a broad hall approximately 35 feet (10.5 m)…
Terra-cotta figurine of horse and rider.
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Horse and Rider Figurine

This terra-cotta figurine from Lachish is very schematic, and the rider’s legs are not shown. The rider cannot represent an average person because people—even kings—more often rode on donkeys and…
Front of a bone handle with winged humanoid grasping branches of palm tree.
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Bone Handle with Winged Humanoid

This handle from Hazor, perhaps once attached to a mirror, depicts a winged humanoid with extended wings, grasping the branches or fronds of a young palm tree with both hands. It measures…


Miriam, Aristobolus and Dina. Miriam:Mother! Enter Alexandra, Miriam’s mother. Alex:Your shouting will wake the dead. A little refinement, Miriam, you’re no longer a little girl. Miriam:It…
Drawing of outfit consisting of a linen embroidered apron with hem made of alternating pomegranates and bells, undershirt, and breastplate with twelve stones in center.
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The High Priest’s Garments

A detailed description of the priests’ sacral vestments in Exodus 28 provides written evidence of sacred dress and adornment, although neither archaeological evidence nor pictorial representations for…
A circular metal disc with small handle.
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Bronze Mirror

This mirror was found in the Moringa burial cave at En Gedi; its tang would have been fitted into a handle, now missing, made of metal, ivory, or bone (see Ivory and Bone Carvings and Engraved…