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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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The Mission of Ha-Mitspeh

There is a need for a special Hebrew newspaper written for Galicia and the rest of the Central European countries—it seems to us that there is no need to emphasize this point. The two Hebrew-language…

A Discussion about Religious Questions

So, Mr. Blum? So, Mr. Blau? What’s with you, Mr. Blum? What should be with me, Mr. Blau? How should I know what’s with you, Mr. Blum? I’m asking you. May I not ask? Why are you staring so? I’m staring…

The Five

This episode occurred on Deribasov Street, about two years after the beginning of our story. At that time our editorial office was located at the upper end of the street, in the…

Late Adar

Like the golden bangles on the arms of a Bedouin woman, the hills of Gilboa bind their bracelets about the valley of Jezreel in the golden hours of late Adar evenings. Then do the women go down to…


King David was old, advanced in years. Though covered in bedclothes, he could not get warm. They searched the land of Israel for a beautiful young woman and found Abischag the Shunammite, who was…

The Melting Pot

Vera [Agitated, coming nearer]:  Irony, Mr. Quixano? Please, please, do not imagine there is any irony in my congratulations.David:  The irony is in all the congratulations. How can I endure them when…

Eagle, Eagle!

Eagle! Eagle on your hilltops, eagle flying o’er your hills! Slow and buoyant—it seems a moment—only floating as it wills; Floating, sailing through blue seas, hearing notes of sung delight Filling…