Sample Sources
The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
The Russian Jew in America
The Jewish population in the United States has grown from a quarter of a million to about one million. Scarcely a large American town but has some Russo-Jewish names in its directory, with an educated…
What Paths Should Our Movement Take?
The Jewish question may be resolved through a new philosophical synthesis and a true reform of moral and religious life for Jews and Christians alike. Just as we must admit that we need reforms across…
Editorial Statement of Der onfang
Before we come to the determination of our tasks, we would like to pause for a while to consider the situation of the present moment. We are experiencing here in Palestine a relatively quiet…
Prophet Marx Speech
Marx was a prophet, no less so than Isaiah, Jeremiah, or Ezekiel. With honest conviction and courage he proclaimed the economic liberation of humanity. He appealed to the workers of the world and…
The Jewish Problem: How to Solve It
Let no American imagine that Zionism is inconsistent with Patriotism. Multiple loyalties are objectionable only if they are inconsistent. A man is a better citizen of the United States for being also…
Opening Address of the Jewish Women’s Congress
It is my pleasant duty, as chairman of the local committee, to extend to you all a hearty welcome to our city and to our Congress, the first Jewish Women’s Congress. It was with some misgiving that I…
When You Suffer, They Shall Find You
The time (in which we live) is truly “a time to work for the Almighty,” and great is the responsibility now falling upon every Jew with the ability to do so. [ . . . ] All the lands of the diaspora…
Lesser Ury (and Jewish Art)
The strongest testimony to life is productivity, and the most direct form of productivity is art. That is why those of us who announce a life of the Jewish people inquire into the possibility of…
Obligations of the Students
- To perform their work in the workshop for three complete years from the day of their entry, not to cease at all during this tenure, and not to be hired by another artisan, neither as an apprentice nor…
The Island Within
They became steady friends and lovers. Better friends than lovers. She adored kissing and touching him; she adored his physical nearness. Her ultimate inhibitions were never quite broken…
My Beloved France
Have I made it clear how much I indulge my husband? Seven years of love had been simply one long series of concessions, joyfully made in a whirl of happiness. I adjusted to everything, all the…
Women in the Synagogue
Duality manifests itself in all things, but in nothing is this two-foldness more plainly seen than in woman’s nature.
The weaker sex physically, it is the stronger spiritually, it having been said…