Sample Sources
The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.

Inscribed Offering Pot
Though discovered in a private home in Beersheba, this 9.5-inch-high × 11.5-inch-wide (24 cm × 29.5 cm) pot, or its contents, was probably dedicated to the sanctuary. The inscription kodesh or kadosh…
The Book of Pleasures
Most people are very wary of life, and try to avoid it. The conventional ways of doing this are many and varied:
Don’t drop bread on the floor!
Don’t waste…

Bone Flute
This flute from Tel Goren at En Gedi, 4 inches long and .67 inches wide (10 × 2 cm), is made from the hollowed shaft of an animal bone. The hole near the center was probably for blowing air across the…
Manasseh (Chronicles)
Manasseh was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem. He did what was displeasing to the Lord, following the abhorrent practices of the nations that the…
The Yellow Wind
I belong to the generation that celebrated its bar mitzvah during the Six-Day War. Then, in 1967, the surging energy of our adolescent hormones was coupled with the intoxication gripping the entire…
Hebrew Slaves
When you acquire a Hebrew slave, he shall serve six years; in the seventh year he shall go free, without payment. If he came single, he shall leave single; if he had a wife, his wife shall leave…
When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am El Shaddai. Walk in My ways and be blameless. I will establish My covenant between Me and you, and I will…
The Kultura Work
The perceived role of the national culture in the Zionist Eretz-Israeli context was to shape the new Jewish society created in the land of Israel and to give it overall content. It aimed to shape the…
Assyria and Its Future Fall
Assyria, rod of My anger,
In whose hand, as a staff, is My fury!
I send him against an ungodly nation,
I charge him against a people that provokes Me,
To take its spoil and to seize its booty
In Good Faith
“Eretz Israel.” There is not one. We already grew up on one sublime Eretz Israel which is almost the be-all-and-end-all of everything. The place of the Jewish people. Its homeland, its right, its…
True and False Piety
Cry with full throat, without restraint;
Raise your voice like a ram’s horn!
Declare to My people their transgression,
To the House of Jacob their sin.
To be sure, they seek Me daily,
Eager to…