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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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Emunat omen (The True Faith)

These hypocrites maliciously break all Ten Commandments. All they do is only for show. They pride themselves that they believe in the existence of God, may He be blessed, while in truth it is not so…

Ḥerem against the Karaites

We have placed in ḥerem [excommunication] David Henriq[ue]s, alias David Almansa, [and] Aron and Ishack Dias da Fonseca and the account reads, as follows: (In Adar I). The gentlemen of the Mahamad…

Response to Martin Luther

I would also humbly bring to Your Honours’ attention that the said Dr. Marti[n], not content with what he has already accused us of in the way of great iniquities, has now published another booklet…

The Letter of Consolation

The peace of the Almighty God be with you and with all those who in their faith hope for and desire His grace and mercy. Dear and good friends and brethren of Israel. In your letter, you complain…

Paḥad Yitsḥak (The Fear of Isaac)

What is the pipe (kaneh) of the heart? Rabbah b. R. Isaac, in the name of Rav [said]: The fat on the walls of the lung. Amemar, in the name of R. Nahman [said]: There are three pipes: one leads to the…

Peri megadim (Pleasant Fruit)

Meat strengthens the body and provides it better nourishment than the other foods. Right after slaughtering it is very good and useful, but old meat is one of the causes of illness. The hard meat of…