Sample Sources
The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
Ouderkerk aan de Amstel Cemetery, Gravestone
Manuel Levy Ximenes Belmonte (1729) and Esther de Pinto (1741)
Medicina de la lengua (Medicine of the Tongue)
The aforementioned lights are sufficient to flee from gossip and to shut one’s ears to the gossipmonger and to the talebearer because they are enemies to be greatly feared, which are found in a…
Giv‘at Shaul (The Hill of Saul)
The Israelites were fertile, wa-yishreṣu wa-yirbu wa-ya‘aṣmu very greatly, so that the land was full with them (Exod. 1:7).
“R. Isaac said, Whoever takes pleasure in an optional…
Or ne‘erav (Pleasant Light)
The superiority of this science was related in the Zohar at the end of the ‘Idra in section Naso.
It was taught:
Rabbi Simeon cried, raised his voice, and said:
“Woe.” With these words which are…
Puerta del cielo (Gate of Heaven)
Because the ineffable four-letter name of the Tetragrammaton is located in ‘Adam Qadmon, it will be…
Miqveh Israel, esto es Esperança de Israel (The Hope of Israel)
In the 18th of the Month of Elul: the 5404 year from the Worlds creation, and according to common compute, in 1644. Aaron Levi, otherwise called Antonius Montezinus c…
Letter on Touring the Land of Israel
I went to the grave of the Tanna Ila, a man from the village of Yavneh who is mentioned in the tractates Berakhot and Avot, and afterwards we went to the grave of the pious Tanna R. Judah bar Ila‘i…
Ta‘ame sukkah (Discourse on Sukkot): Account of His Printing Problems
And in it they will find a commentary appropriate to everyone and in it many precious midrashim, sharp pilpulim, light and weighty, Sinai and uprooter of mountains (Berakhot 64a, that is both breadth…
Ma‘ase ha-shem (Deeds of the Lord)
The first lesson addresses the question which every enlightened reader will raise concerning creation: It is told in our Torah that it indeed took place in seven days…
Mikhtav Aḥuz (Letter of Aḥuz)
In sum, many rabbis in these times understand nothing about the spheres and their workings, just as oxen and donkeys lack understanding [see Isaiah 1:3]. They have violated laws, broken statutes…
Mateh Dan (The Tribe of Dan)
My friends desired me to record the discussions I have had with those who reject the authority of the Oral Law; and, in compliance with their desire, I have gathered all that I found bearing on that…
Of a Repentant Sinner
Already (Lord) with humility,
fearing my perdition,
in a sea of contrition
I seek port in Thy pity.
Against Thy immense goodness
I sinned. My sorrow warns me,
that of the error of Thy offending