Painter Ivan Schwebel was born in West Virginia and spent his childhood in Georgia and the Bronx. Army service during the Korean War brought him to Japan, where he painted under the tutelage of Zen master-painter Kimura Kyoen. Schwebel moved to Israel in 1963. His paintings often depict biblical figures, such as King David and Job, in modern urban settings. His work has been the subject of exhibitions at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, the Israel Museum, and venues in Israel and abroad.
This goblet-shaped cosmetic container of white limestone is from Hazor. The footed base, midsection with festoon pattern, and deep bowl with upper frieze of alternating checkerboard pattern form three…
The Scuola Grande Tedesca is the oldest of five synagogues in the Venetian ghetto and was built in 1528 by the local Ashkenazic community. Although only its five windows are visible from the street…
This year I traveled a long way
to view the silence of my city.
A baby calms down when you rock it, a city calms down
from the distance. I dwelled in longing. I played the hopscotch
of the four…