Portrait of R. Aryeh Judah Leib ben David Calischer
Jacob Folkema

Aryeh Judah Leib ben David (d. 1709), known as Leib Calisch, or Kalischer, was rabbi in the communities of Kremsier (now Kroměříž, Czech Republic); Łobżenica (in modern-day Poland); and Kalisz, Poland. In 1708, he was invited to serve as the rabbi of the Amsterdam Jewish community, but he died after a year in that position. He was author of a collection of homilies titled Gur Aryeh, as well as many, though unpublished, responsa.
Jacob Folkema, 1709. Portret van Aye Juda Löb Kalisch. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.
Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 5.