Wilhelmus Angenendt was a Dutch silversmith active in the workshop of Swedish goldsmith Johannes Schiotling. Prior to Emancipation, it was common for Christian artisans to fulfill commissions from Jewish patrons, as Jews were barred from entering the metalworking trades.
Religion is one of many paintings with Christian themes by Philipp Veit, whose mother wanted him to become a priest. He first painted it as a fresco for the north wing of the Vatican and then created…
At the house of salonnière Geneviève Straus in Clos des Mûnieres, Trouville, Normandy, 1893. Sitting (from left) are Marcel Proust, Louis Ganderax, and Straus. Standing (from left) are an unidentified…
This was not a very big courtyard, a longish but narrow one, like hundreds of others of this type in the thickly settled part of Jewish Warsaw. One side, the innermost one, was a two-story…