The Russian-born painter Abraham Manievich studied painting in Kiev and Munich and enjoyed early success. After the Russian Revolution, he returned to Kiev, where he taught until immigrating to the United States in 1921. His most striking work is in the cubo-futurist style. The mislabeled Destruction of the Ghetto, Kiev (there was no ghetto in Kiev), with its harsh angularity, refers to the Kiev pogrom of 1919, in which one of his sons was killed.
This illustration, from an antisemitic publication, Jüdische neue Zeitung vom Marsch aus Wien und anderen Orten der jetzigen zwölff Jüdischen Stammen (Jewish Newspaper from the March to Vienna and…
Albatros, a journal of literature and graphic art, debuted in Warsaw in 1922 and published its final two issues in Berlin. The journal was edited by the Hebrew-Yiddish poet Uri Zvi Greenberg and…
I was telling you about the old man, our rabbi, how he was walking out in front, and we Krushniker dignitaries were walking behind him. sighing and moaning and not allowed to speak a word. If only our…