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Poster of Rachel Félix
Artist Unknown
ca. 1848
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The novelty in Jewish performing arts in the later eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries involved the adaptation of traditional materials into new forms, as well as a turn to performing arts that were unconnected to religious life.
Sifre ‘evronot—manuals for calculating the Jewish calendar, including leap years and holidays—were a popular genre of Ashkenazic illustrated manuscripts in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries…
Tkhiyes-hameysim (The Resurrection of the Dead) is a dramatic poem by Moyshe Broderzon inspired by medieval Christian “mystery” (or “miracle”) plays that presented bible stories and were performed in…
Selridge:Epstein’s next. I want to hear what his last week on earth would be like. Probably wants to take an English exam at City College.Eugene:It’s your turn, Arnold.Epstein:There’s no point to this…