Solomon Nunes Carvalho, the son of a prominent Sephardic family in Charleston, South Carolina, had a career as both a painter and a photographer. While he was a distinguished portraitist, he also painted other subjects including his childhood synagogue, Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim. In the 1840s, Carvalho made daguerreotypes, and in 1853 and 1854, he accompanied General John C. Fremont as the official photographer for an expedition through the territories of Kansas, Colorado, and Utah. Carvalho subsequently had studios in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Charleston and was active in the Jewish communities of those cities.
The only image of the interior of the first synagogue of Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim, a congregation established in Charleston in 1749, is this picture, painted from memory by Solomon Nunes Carvalho. The…
The Day after the Pogrom was painted shortly after the Kishinev pogrom, in which forty-nine Jews were murdered, more than 500 injured, many Jewish women raped, 700 houses ransacked and destroyed, 600…
Rabbi Abraham Bloch was a French army chaplain, killed in 1914 while holding a crucifix for a dying Catholic soldier. In 1934 the French government erected a monument in his memory at the spot where…