Rudolf Lehmann was born into a Jewish family of artists near Hamburg. The son of Leo Lehmann, a painter, Lehmann undertook his artistic training in Paris, Munich, and Rome, alongside his brother Henry. After winning a gold medal at the Paris Salon, the annual art exhibition of the Académie des Beaux-Arts, 1843 for one of his paintings, the artist was commissioned by the French government to produce a number of religious paintings for provincial churches. Lehmann became a talented and sought-after portraitist, whose sitters included English nobles, as well as the poet and playwright Robert Browning. Having married in London and spent much of his career in the city, Lehmann frequently exhibited at the Royal Academy. Later in his life, Lehmann also wrote his autobiography.
Ottensen, German Confederation (Ottensen, Germany)
Wall Street is considered a seminal work in the history of photography, symbolic of a turn away from pictorialism and toward modernism. Photography would no longer seek to mimic academic painting but…
Issachar Ber Ryback’s drawings of the painted ceiling of what was known as the Cold Synagogue in Mogilev (today in Belarus) are among the few visual records of the work of the painter Chaim ben…
In this cubist-influenced self-portrait, the artist has painted herself reflected in a mirror, perhaps a symbol of a divided self. The upturned vessels on the table communicate a sense of upheaval…