Pesach Haggadah: Israeli Kibbutz Version
Aryeh Ben-Gurion
Gad Ullman
Creator Bio
Aryeh Ben-Gurion
Aryeh Ben-Gurion was an educator. Born in Russia, he came with his family to Palestine in 1924. His grandfather, Avigdor Green, was among the founders of Ḥibat Tsiyon, and his uncle, David Ben-Gurion, was Israel’s first prime minister. In the 1930s, as part of the United Kibbutz Movement, Aryeh Ben-Gurion founded the Kibbutz Institute for Holidays and Jewish Culture, to celebrate Jewish festivals in a secular environment. He earned the Avi-Chai Prize for creating a Jewish cultural infrastructure in the kibbutz community and throughout Israel.
Creator Bio
Gad Ullman
Artist, designer, and illustrator Gad Ullman was born in Tel Aviv to a family of German Jews. He studied art at the Avni Studio, the Avni Institute, graphics at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, and art pedagogy at the School for Art Teachers. From 1964–1984, he was designer, illustrator, and graphic editor of the weekend supplement of Haaretz. In 1965, he had his first solo show and, later in the decade, became active in the Ten+ group. Beginning in the 1970s, he began creating public art installations, among them "From Alef to Taf" (1976) at the headquarters of Yediot Ahronot and a wall mural at the Bank Leumi branch at Gan Ha'ir in Tel Aviv (1986). He is also known for his children's book illustrations.
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