Ritual slaughterer, cantor, and scribe Zemach Davidsohn was born in Eastern Europe and emigrated to the United States as a teenager, shortly after his marriage at the age of fifteen. He lived in New York and Pennsylvania before eventually settling in Chicago.
On the other side of the poem there is an orchard,
and in the orchard, a house with a roof of straw,
and three pine trees,
three watchmen who never speak, standing guard.
On the other side of the…
The elaborate art-nouveau tomb of the wealthy Schmidl family in the Rákoskeresztúr Jewish cemetery in Budapest is made of ceramic tile made by the Zsolnay factory, famous for its art-nouveau ceramics…
Fabius Lind’s days are running out in blood.
Red serpents of failures empty his veins.
In his head—white muddy stains. Confusion.
And a heavy load on his heart.
He could have . . .
He could have . .…