Charles Wiener had an illustrious career as a medalist in Belgium. His output featured architectural medals (many of which were collaborations with his brother Jacques) as well as royal portrait and exhibition medals. Notable pieces included a portrait of Prince Albert (Queen Victoria’s consort), the city of London, and a medal commemorating the visit of Tsar Alexander II to London in 1874. Jewish subjects included a medal of E. A. Astruc, chief rabbi of Belgium, and a double portrait of Sir Moses and Lady Judith Montefiore.
The History of Matzah: The Story of the Jews, Part I, is part of a triptych series that employs text and three-dimensional elements in relief to chronicle Jewish history from Moses to the birth of the…
In Jewish tradition, the command to “bind them [God’s words] as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead” is understood as requiring passages from the Torah to be written on…
Now, more than at any time in the history of our people, humor has a place in Jewish life. I was delighted to find the Jewish Publication Society in agreement with me that at the present time…