Yaacov Dorchin is one of Israel’s most influential sculptors. Working for most of his career in his studio at Kibbutz Kfar HaHoresh, he played a leading role in introducing Israeli artists to the use of local materials, including iron. Since 1991, he has taught in the art department at Haifa University. In 2007, he was awarded the Emet Prize for Art, Science, and Culture.
Menu for a banquet given in honor of District Grand Lodge No. 7, International Order of B’nai B’rith at the West End Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana, on May 11, 1886.
The image of an ear on this coin may symbolize God as the one who hears prayers, as in passages such as Psalm 34:16, 18, and Psalm 130:2. The image is paralleled on Egyptian stelas that depict…
Mental Maps depicts mirrored images of a 1938 German railway map made from rubber and pigment. The left panel contains two lines of text that read “North is West” and “[I am imprinting it down…