Creator Bio
Joseph Tsarfati
d. 1527
Joseph ben Samuel Tsarfati, also known as Giuseppe Gallo, was a physician, poet, mathematician, and linguist. Tsarfati lived in Rome and attended to a highly fashionable clientele, including cardinals. The pope extended to Tsarfati the same privileges that his father had been accorded, including the right to treat Christian patients, an exemption from wearing the Jewish badge, and papal protection. Tsarfati hosted David ha-Reuveni during the latter’s stay in Rome (1524–1525). Tsarfati wrote many poems, three of which were published in his lifetime, as well as a translation of Fernando de Rojas’s La Celestina into Hebrew, of which only his introductory poem has survived. He died during the Sack of Rome in 1527.
Entries in the Posen Library by This Creator
Primary Source
Behold the Lord, my soul, lookup to Him
Behold the Lord, my soul, look up to Him
Who made you, give Him worship due,
Lest you be lost when He be wroth with you—
For your sin, O wayward one, your grievous sin.
On wisdom’s wing, ascend to…
Primary Source
Your eyebrow, dear, is like a charm
Your eyebrow, dear, is like a charm
that draws to you life’s greatest joys.
Rounded like a bow, that brow,
or like a moon in half eclipse.
Your eye, beside it, is a pool,
all sparkle, like a…