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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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Perek be-shir (A Treatise on Poetry)

A compilation containing all the techniques of poetry simply put; covering all the principles, meters, rhymes, correct methods, and true rules; sifted and clarified; solid as a bronze mirror, such…

The Periodic Table

There was a mysterious jar on one of the shelves. It contained about twenty gray, hard, colorless, tasteless little rods and did not have a label. This was very strange, because it was a German…

Traveling Companions

I lowered the window more and let the wind wash my face. As often happens when you stand at the window of a fast-moving train, a speck of dirt flew into my eye, and both eyes began to tear. I had…

Behind God’s Back

It did not take long to apprehend the assassin. A woman who had been passing heard the shots, saw a car skid away, took down the number and gave it to the police and, within hours, a man had been…

Zohara’s Journey

I sometimes dream that I’m a prisoner. For days, years. I’m only free at night, for a few hours toward morning. During those hours I can walk around. But I don’t know where to go. All the people I…

Uncle Isidore

When I observe a toothless ex-violinist, with more hair than face, sprawled like Karl Marx on a park seat or slumped, dead or asleep, in the central heat of a public library I think of Uncle Isidore…

The Golem’s Circle

Rabbi Eleazar opened the palm of his hand and let the fertile, virgin earth escape He took pure water from the mountain spring recited the two hundred and twenty-one alphabetical combinations    and…

A Prayer

Blessed art Thou, Lord, our God, King of the Universe, Who has kept us and protected us, and supported us until this day it would be better we had never seen. You deprived us of nothing, neither…