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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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Ceramic oil lamp with seven spouts on a pedestal.
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Seven-spouted Ceramic Oil Lamp

Its multiple (seven) spouts and pedestal make this lamp from the sanctuary area of Tel Dan unusual. Lamps like this could be as tall as 9 inches (23 cm) and as wide as 6.7 inches (17 cm) in diameter…

Taste of Life

Scholars say the cultivated olive originated in Asia Minor and the Mediterranean lands, including the Land of Israel. In the Bible, the olive is first…

Jacob and His Family

Jacob left Beer-sheba, and set out for Haran. He came upon a certain place and stopped there for the night, for the sun had set. Taking one of…
Line drawing of two figures holding utensils in bowls.
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Your Land, Your Country

What, actually, am I doing here? I owe myself, and perhaps others, an answer to this question. What, actually, am I doing here? Why do I go on a clear morning to Levinsky, why in zigzags, stopping…

King Solomon (Samuel-Kings)

King David was now old, advanced in years; and though they covered him with bedclothes, he never felt warm. His courtiers said to him, “Let a young virgin be sought…

1949, the First Israelis

Itzhak Refael once warned his colleagues on the Jewish Agency Executive that if they insisted on “regulating” the immigration quotas only the immigration from North Africa would remain for it could…

The Ratification of the Covenant

Moses went and repeated to the people all the commands of the Lord and all the rules; and all the people answered with one voice, saying, “All the things that the Lord has commanded we will do!” Mos…

The Pilgrimage Festivals

Observe the month of Abib and offer a passover sacrifice to the Lord your God, for it was in the month of Abib, at night, that the Lord your God freed you from Egypt. You shall slaughter the…

The Nazirite

The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to the Israelites and say to them: If anyone, man or woman, explicitly utters a nazirite’s vow, to set himself apart for the Lord, he shall abstain from wine…