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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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Reader for Jewish Children

The Lion’s Chancellor, the Wolf, was taken to court by all the animals, who complained that no living being was safe from his predatory jaws. “This insatiable creature…
Printed page with French text in center, columns with figures, and ornate border.
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La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein

La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein is an opéra bouffe (French comic opera), composed by Jacques Offenbach when his career was at its height. It premiered in 1867 and had performances at the Paris…

Esther’s Triumph

Friends, let’s celebrate this day—Viva! Purim, occasion to be gay—Viva! Safe and free from Haman’s wrong, Let’s shout in unison this song—Viva, viva, viva . . . Esther, brilliant as the sun—Viva! G…
Manuscript page with Hebrew text above illustration of city walls with central domed building.
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Map of the Temple in Jerusalem

This map of the Temple in Jerusalem made in Safed by a Jewish scribe comes from an example of a “pilgrimage scroll,” also known as an “itinerary,” because they included instructions for visiting holy…
Two silver finials with bells.
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Torah Finials

These silver Torah finials with bells adorned a Torah scroll at the consecration ceremony of the Mill Street Synagogue of Congregation Shearith Israel, which opened in New York in 1730 and was located…
Partially unraveled scroll with Hebrew text in rounded columns and decorative border and individual page next to it with Hebrew text and circular border.
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Esther Scroll

The Book of Esther (also known as the Scroll [megillah] of Esther) is read out loud on the holiday of Purim. This example of an illustrated scroll from the Netherlands (shown here with a page of…
Print engraving of indoor scene with people standing around couple under large canopy with musicians in background.
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Jewish Wedding

In this engraving from a Dutch translation of Leone Modena’s Historia de’ riti Ebraici (History of the Jewish Rites), a Jewish wedding in Amsterdam is pictured. Groom and bride stand under the huppah…
Exterior photograph of brick building of high niches.
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Old Synagogue (Krakow)

The Old Synagogue (Alte-Schul, or Stara Bożnica) of Kraków is located in the Kazimierz district of the city. Because it was in a part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth vulnerable to attack by…