Sample Sources
The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
Dad Runs Away with the Circus
Dad Runs Away with the Circus was Etgar Keret's first children's book. It was illustrated by award-winning illustrator and comic book artist Rutu Modan. The two collaborated on several projects…
Escamot (Ordinances)
Escamot made by the Brethren of this Holy Hebra of Bikur Hulim [visiting the sick—Ed.] and Guemilut Haçadim [giving of loving-kindness—Ed.], in company with the Senhores of the Mahamad [board of…
Sheloshah tso‘akim (Three Who Cry Out)
Hear, O Israel, descendants of holy ones: see that newcomers have recently arrived intending to make grapes, but instead have produced wild grapes [see Isaiah 5:2]. There is no local foundation for…
Memórias do estabelecimento e progresso dos judeus portuguezes e espanholes nesta famosa cidade de Amsterdam (Account of the Establishment and Progress of the Portuguese and Spanish Jews in This Famous City of Amsterdam)
On the night of 20 Iyar 5503 [May 14, 1743], the sad news was announced regarding the death of the most exemplary ḥazan [cantor] R. Sem[uel] Rod[rigue]s Mendes, in…